What Happened to Misis Blog?

by - February 17, 2025

what happened to misis blog

Misis Blog was my first mommy blog that I started in 2017. To this day, it is still up and running, with my old posts that have been ranking well on Google Search, my face, my pages, etc.

But if you noticed, the byline isn't mine anymore.

So what happened?

Misis Blog: A Forgotten Era

After my custom domain name expired in 2022, life got in the way. 

We were in the middle of moving houses, adjusting to our eldest daughter starting kindergarten at a big school, navigating career shifts, and juggling the everyday chaos of family life. 

Renewing my domain wasn’t on my priority list — I didn't even consider that my abandoned blog could be taken over by someone else.

But one day, out of curiosity, I searched for Misis Blog and was shocked to see that someone else had bought the domain and claimed the blog as their own.

I tried everything to report it to Google. I sent requests, filed complaints, and pleaded my case, but every effort was either ignored or rejected. 

I had poured years of effort into that blog, yet it was now completely out of my hands.

However, I let it go. I chose my battles.

For a long time, I carried the heartache of losing Misis Blog. It felt like losing a piece of my online identity, a chapter of my motherhood journey that I could never get back.

Renewed Interest in Blogging

Years later, that heartache softened. I still felt pangs of regret now and then, but they no longer consumed me.

At the urging of my ever-supportive husband, I decided to start fresh. Instead of dwelling on what was lost, I focused on what I could build. 

And so, with a renewed sense of purpose, I embarked on a new blogging journey with Writing Nanay.

Writing Nanay: A Love Project x Portfolio

As you can read in my About page, Writing Nanay is more than just a blog — it’s a love project, a space where I can share my thoughts on motherhood, juggling work and childcare, my passion in babywearing, and the many challenges and joys that come with raising a family.

And through my own stories and experiences, I hope that, in some ways, I can also provide support and insight to other people who are in the trenches of parenthood.

Writing Nanay also serves as my portfolio, showcasing some of my best works throughout my decades-long career in writing and editing.

As a writer, I have come to realize that having a well-organized portfolio is essential — not just for career growth but also as a testament to the passion and dedication I have poured into my craft.

PS: I have chosen NOT to link back to my old blog. I don't want the fake "author" there to have the satisfaction of getting online traffic. lol.

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