About the Author
Hi! My name is Kristenne Gicum-Quirante, going by the nickname Tin, a writer and editor based in Cebu, Philippines.
I have been professionally writing since 2011, focusing mostly on digital marketing.
Over the years, my work has covered a wide range of content — from newspaper articles and blog posts to web content, technical documentation, creative writing, and editing.
In 2017, after becoming a mother, I left the corporate world and transitioned to remote work.
I currently work as a lead copywriter and content strategist for a digital marketing company.
About the Blog
Nanay in the Philippines means "mother," thus the blog name Writing Nanay.
This blog is my personal outlet as I navigate the ever-evolving journey of motherhood.
Just when I think I have it all figured out, my little ones grow, and a new challenge emerges.
I write about the beautiful chaos of motherhood, the realities of working from home, and the delicate balancing act of managing a career while raising little ones.
From babywearing and parenting to personal reflections and product/service reviews, I cover a whole lot more — because motherhood is anything but one-dimensional.